The Level Up to Your Level Up

1:1 Clinical & Mindset Mentorship

Take your OT practice to new heights with our advanced mentorship program. Whether you're building on our 6-month OT Level Up Coursework, or just joining us now, we'll provide personalized guidance to tackle your unique challenges, achieve your goals, and maximize your impact on those you serve.


Seeking expert guidance to address your specific challenges and client needs?

In our time together, we have the space to truly understand your deep-rooted beliefs, internal narrative, and clinical thinking processes. We will work through scenarios specific to your daily life and work within the autistic community. You’ll leave each session with clear, actionable steps to take until the next time we meet.  

Are you experiencing any of these challenges? 

01. Navigating Complex Cases

You finally “get it” after taking our coursework or through your own independent learning but at times feel stuck on specific cases or with complex motor profiles?

02. From Theory to Therapy

You truly presume competence, you’re just not fully confident in which activities and modalities to use to convey and support those you serve in learning, building skills, and feeling regulated more often. 

03. Continuous Self-Evolution

You understand that work on yourself is never fully finished and you want to continually invest in yourself, your mindset, and self-discipline to continue to rise and shine as your best authentic self. 


 Feeling Truly Supported

Gain a no bull s**t, authentic mentor who provides honest feedback, loving accountability, and targeted support in your most crucial areas of growth.


Feeling Confident & Calm

Discuss real-world challenges in your sessions, enhancing your clinical skills and leaving with clear, actionable strategies to implement immediately.


Shine in Every Role

Our mentorship stands out through deep, honest conversations about obstacles to your excellence as an OT, parent, friend, colleague, spouse, and individual. We provide genuine accountability to help you overcome these barriers.

This is all within reach! Keep reading...

“Your expertise has inspired me to approach occupational therapy sessions with a new lens." 

As a mentee, learning from an excellent occupational therapist about the mind-muscle disconnect has been truly enlightening. You've shown me how complex and delicate the relationship between the brain and body is, and how disruptions in this connection can significantly impact a person's life. Your ability to explain the underlying neurological processes, paired with hands-on interventions, has deepened my understanding of how to support clients in reconnecting these pathways. I’m especially grateful for the way you’ve emphasized the importance of patience, creativity, and empathy in addressing each individual’s unique challenges. Your expertise has inspired me to approach occupational therapy sessions with a new lens and I am forever grateful for the experience to learn from you.


Jessica Jordan


Hey there, I’m Erin Clarelli... 

Get ready to re-ignite your passion and level up not only your practice, but ​your life to new heights. At the heart of my mission is a deep commitment ​to embracing neurodiversity and empowering every individual I encounter, ​especially those within the nonspeaking, minimally, and unreliably ​speaking autistic communities. No more settling for the status quo—we're ​here to challenge the norm and pioneer a new approach to OT care.

I'm a Fierce Advocate and Ally in This Community...

My goal? To revolutionize the healthcare and education system that's long ​overdue for a change. How do we make that change? Through ​reprograming old beliefs and improving our consistent daily actions.

As your dedicated OT mentor and accountability partner, I'm here to ​support your journey towards professional excellence and personal growth. ​Together, let's make a lasting impact, inspire change, and create a brighter ​future for all. Are you ready to join the movement? Let's make positive ​change, one breakthrough at a time.



Ready to invest fully in you, as an OT and a high-performing human?

Our mentorship program goes beyond career development. While enhancing your OT skills and applying your certifications to real-life scenarios, we uniquely focus on personal growth. We'll tackle self-limiting beliefs, boost your confidence, and build self-efficacy through an honest, trusting relationship. This holistic approach fosters excellence in both your professional and personal life.


We highly value being sure we are a good fit as mentor & mentee. Our intro call &/or application is our way of ensuring that.


Complete your application now!



Specialized Focus

  • Monthly 1:1 meetings with your OT mentor
  • Access to the full library of continually updated resources (handouts, activities, and more)
  • Access to OT level up online community for connection & evolving resources
  • CEU Credits Available



Most Popular

  • Monthly group collaboration meetings with your OT mentor and other like-minded OT's
  • Access to the full library of continually updated resources (handouts, activities, and more)
  • Access to OT level up online community for connection & evolving resources
  • CEU Credits Available



Intermittent Coaching

  • Quarterly 1:1 meetings with your OT mentor
  • Access to OT level up online community for connection & evolving resources
  • CEU Credits Available

For those that can't commit to monthly 1:1 meeting but still want to grow and be held accountable.


Community Access Only


  • Access to OT level up online community for connection & evolving resources

Resource Library Only


one time download

  • Access to the full library of current resources at time of purchase


Frequently Asked Questions

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